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Jun 9, 2021
A Reflective Walk to Process the School Year
"What do I even say?" This was one of many questions I asked myself when trying to plan our final staff meeting of the school year....

Mar 7, 2021
The Importance of Leadership and Management
I recently had the chance to sit down with George Couros to talk about the intersection of leadership and management on "The Innovator's...

Sep 30, 2020
Leading from the Fog
I'm an avid game player. Always have been. When I was growing up, my parents worried that I took board games too seriously. I can't...

Jul 10, 2020
About those Batteries
At some point as a leader you just have to decide what fuels you. What's the mission? Not in a "This sounds catchy" kinda way, but deep...

Jun 26, 2020
(Whispers in Own Ear...)
Sometimes our eyes and experiences deceive us. In fact, if our own frame of reference is the only compass we carry we may miss the very...

May 20, 2020
But What Does That Look Like?
Our school is wrestling with some difficult things right now. Difficult in an emotional sense. We’re not willing to let go of the...

Apr 29, 2020
The Heart of Change
Like many educators, I spend my days teetering between survival mode and trying to successfully navigate all the changes in front of us....

Apr 1, 2020
Because Together Still Matters
I’m not sure about you, but the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing, and supporting our own kiddos’ distance learning at home has been...

Mar 25, 2020
Subtle Yet Profound
Many of us have been preparing for a profound shift in how students experience “school” for many years. Of course, we never imagined any...

Mar 11, 2020
Something Simple
There aren’t too many things that stop me in my tracks. An incredible song, Pinkish-orange sunrises, And an educator who truly knows...

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