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Apr 29, 2020
The Heart of Change
Like many educators, I spend my days teetering between survival mode and trying to successfully navigate all the changes in front of us....
Apr 24, 2020
A Dangerous Assumption
I’ve noticed an assumption rearing its head as schools across the country have moved to a distance-learning model. I hear it occasionally...
Dec 4, 2019
Choosing the 3rd Button
There's power in simplicity. Clarity compels. Change is more likely when complex concepts are distilled into digestible ideas. Meaningful...
Apr 7, 2017
Nothing Worthwhile Begins as Effortless
If you haven't seen the above video yet you really need to check it out. George Couros blogged about it yesterday. I was immediately...
Feb 26, 2017
What if Simon Sinek was Wrong?
My grandpa owned a bakery most of his adult life. I remember visiting my grandparents on the weekend and waking up to huge trays of fresh...
Feb 22, 2017
Be There!
Be there! Save the date and mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 14th from 3:00-4:00pm CST. Looking for tools to sharpen your vision,...
Jan 29, 2017
Two Ways Leaders Leverage a Growth Mindset
I’ve been learning about how a growth mindset makes all the difference in leadership and learning for several years now. This topic often...
Dec 30, 2016
3 Keys to Leading Child-Centered Change
It seems like education is being poked and prodded from nearly every direction. Some of these influences may be helpful, but they get...
Oct 17, 2016
Food for Thought on Meaningful Change
We have got to move beyond the familiar if we want to create meaningful change for our students. But how?!? To truly think differently...
Sep 28, 2016
The Failure We Share
I was recently facilitating a conversation on the topic of 'failure' at a CUE Rockstar Camp for Admins in California. During part of our...
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